Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Endosulfan - Put an End

Endosulfan  the dangerous pesticide, More than 70 countries banned.

Green revolution...: In late 60s, Green revolution struck India. The only moto of this Green Revolution was to produce more and more food grains. So they did not took care about the seeds, Pesticides and the effects of  them. Probably India became(still it is..) the large market place  for the pesticide and fertilizer sellers and most of them was banned in other countries. In some cases India became a testing place, This is not Green revolution. We can call it a Blue revolution(Toxic color..)
  • ·  Kerala the only state banned Endosulfan, Of course after a chain of rallies by NGO s.
  • ·  The value of  Endosulfan market in India is 1 million dollars.
  • ·  Animal tests nails the Pesticide, Human illness found in some cases, Unknown diseases in human kind. Every other day in India someone affected by Endosulfan.
  • ·  Even though many blowing the whistle for Endosulfan, It seems  Politicians benefited by the sellers, that's the reason why Endosulfan is not banned in India.

Endosulfan is just one pesticide, But there are many pesticides available out there.  
As far as the Manufacturing companies, this market is big and profitable. As far as politicians  its a beneficial deal. As far as the farmers, Endosulfan is just a pesticide. As far as to us Indians (including politicians) we are eating poison ... 

The only thing we India have to do is go back to our traditional Organic farming. That's the Green revolution we want today. Everyone of us need to act on this, Be a whistle blower.

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